Part of the Process

Thoughts on becoming a teacher.

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Peer Conferences

A fairly large chunk of instructional time in my classroom is spent on silent, independent reading. Because my students spend so much time reading, I wanted to provide them with more opportunities to engage in conversations about the books they are reading with each other. I know that these conversations can greatly increase their comprehension and I also felt like these types of conversations could be motivating as well. I’ve been calling these conversations Peer Conferences. My CT and I modeled a conference for the class. I then asked students what they noticed during out modeling. As a class, we brainstormed the following guidelines for peer conferences: Image

We’ve been having the conferences once a week, for ten minutes each time. It’s been great to hear all the conversations going on and witnessing students connecting over books. These conferences have turned  into an activity that my students enjoy and look forward to.